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HomeIAMPETH Certificate Program

IAMPETH Certificate Program

The IAMPETH Certificate program consists of three levels of recognition: the Certificate of Proficiency, the Certificate of Excellence, and the IAMPETH Master Penman designation.

Mission Statement

The IAMPETH Certificate program is a multi-level program designed to give members in good standing the opportunity to submit their work for review, critique, and consideration for recognition.

Candidate Qualification

In order to participate in the Certificate Program, the member must have been an active IAMPETH member for at least three (3) consecutive years.

Certificate of Proficiency

The Certificate of Proficiency demonstrates that the applicant is at the intermediate level, with work showing excellent lettering, consistent shading, and good spacing. Samples submitted for the Certificate of Proficiency will consist of an alphabet with numbers, and two additional documents of predetermined text.

Certificate of Excellence

Once a member has received the Certificate of Proficiency, then and only then may the member apply for the second level, the Certificate of Excellence. The sample submitted for the Certificate of Excellence will be a predetermined certificate similar to those submitted at the Zanerian College. Successful Certificates of Excellence may be scanned for members to view and study in the IAMPETH Archives.

Certificate of Master Penman

The Master Penman designation recognizes a member displaying superior skills in a minimum of three styles of the pen arts and being duly recognized for their level of proficiency by their colleagues. Upon receipt of this honor, the Master Penman is obligated to teach and inspire others to continue the penmanship heritage.  Candidates qualify to work toward Master Penmen designation only after successfully earning both Certificates of Proficiency and Certificates of Excellence in at least one pointed pen hand, one broad-edge hand, and one area of engrossing/illumination. The process for completing the Certificate of Master Penman is still in the planning stages.

Mike Ward, Engrosser's Script

Kalo Chu, Spencerian

Program Timeline

September 1: Instructions are published to members 
October 31: Application postmark deadline
November 15: Samples are submitted to judges
February 1: Judging deadline
May: Samples are returned to to applicants

Certificate of Proficiency Guidelines

Certificate Program Areas for Submission

The areas available for submission for Certificate of Proficiency and Certificate of Excellence include:

  • Engrosser’s Script
  • Spencerian
  • Foundational
  • Rapid Old English
  • Ruled Old English
  • Business Hand
  • Illumination

Candidate Training

It is the responsibility of each interested candidate to seek and pay for their own instruction. IAMPETH will not be offering classes directed specifically towards preparing a member to earn a Certificate of Proficiency, a Certificate of Excellence, or an IAMPETH Master Penman Certificate.

Honoring our Participants

We are so proud of our members who have successfully begun the Master Penman process. It's a long journey that takes many years to complete.

View Certificate Recipients

Certificate Bill Lilly

Certificate Costaras

Master Penman Society

The IAMPETH Master Penman Society was created in 2001 and ran until 2015 to recognize members who had achieved a distinguished level of excellence in penmanship and the calligraphic arts - including Business penmanship, Ornamental and Spencerian script, Engrosser's script, Engrossing and Illumination, Offhand Flourishing and Text lettering.

A high degree of proficiency in two of the disciplines was required for consideration. The first group of masters was identified by senior Master Penman and Zanerian Graduate Bill Lilly based on the level of their work. Inductees are chosen by the current Master Penmen.

The responsibilities of the Master Penmen included teaching and disseminating information, identifying potential inductees and serving as mentors for those who desire to increase their own proficiency.

In the tradition of the Zanerian College, Master Penman inductees were required to produce their own certificate as proof of their ability. IAMPETH's philosophy on the achievement is reflected in the wording of the Master Penman certificate:

Master Penman Chris Costeras
Chris Costeras

Master Penman

Master Penman David Fairbanks
David Fairbanks

Master Penman

Master Penman Coats Brown

Coats Brown

Master Penman

Master Penman Brian G. Walker
Brian G Walker

Master Penman

Master Penmen William Lilly

William Lilly

Master Penman

Master Penmen Michael Sull
Michael Sull

Master Penman

Master Penman John DeCollibus

John DeCollibus

Master Penman

Master Penman Rosemary Buczek
Rosemary Buczek

Master Penman

Master Penman Harvest Crittenden

Harvest Crittenden

Master Penman

Master Penman Pat Blair
Pat Blair

Master Penman

Master Penman Rick Muffler

Rick Muffler

Master Penman

Master Penman Jake Weidmann
Jake Weidmann

Master Penman

Master Penman Vivian Mungall

Vivian Mungall

Master Penman

Master Penmen Mike Kecseg
Mike Kecseg

Master Penman

Master Penman Barbara Calzolari

Barbara Calzolari

Master Penman